Chapter 138 --> The One Where Everybody Dies

Game Destroyer
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Chapter 138 --> The One Where Everybody Dies

Post by Clarence »

Steve is standing on the road with shotguns on his back and other weapons on him and is facing his greatest threat yet! Enemies from throughout the series have joined forces and have come to kill him!

The evil group of 6 include:

Metal Face - Back from the dead and super powerful.
Ultra Evil Man - has a magical ring that gives him super powers. He's also wearing a glove with duct tape around it to prevent him from losing the ring!
Dougette: Turned to a life of crime and has a knife and many random skills!
Robot: Reprogrammed for evil.
Phil: Also programmed for evil and has an indestructible hologram body made out of force-fields.
Maverick: Our poor hero Dave has once again been consumed by his alter ego Maverick!

These 6 bad-guys are all facing Steve on the road and are ready to kill him!

Metal Face: I have been waiting for this day! You're going to have the most glorious death ever!!!

Dougette: Let me at him first!!!

Ultra Evil Man: No me!!!!

Maverick: No guys ... let me get the first punch! Then we can all take turns punching him!

Robot: I LIKE IT!

Metal Face: Yes, we will all take turns beating him to DEATH!

Maverick approaches Steve first while the other villains stay back. Steve is very nervous and takes one of the shotguns off his back and aims it at Maverick.

Maverick: Are you ready for this brother?

Steve continues to aim the shotgun as Maverick approaches! Steve begins to get very nervous and wonders if he can even pull the trigger on his long time best friend and brother and if it will even hurt him. Maverick is really close to Steve now and tensions are high!

Amanda watches the action from monitors in the panic room of the mansion close by with the baby. She is very worried!

Maverick is ready to deliver a terrible punch to Steve as he is cheered on by his new group of bad-guys!

Metal Face: PUNCH HIM!

Phil: Make him cry like he has made me cry throughout the years!

Dougette, Ultra Evil Man, the robot and Metal Face all look at Phil.

Phil: .... never-mind.

Maverick: Here it comes....

Steve is just standing there with the shotgun in too much shock to do anything but shake.

Suddenly Maverick winks at Steve which causes him much confusion. Steve looks back with a raised eyebrow. Maverick responds with a much more pronounced wink.

Steve: Why are you winking at me?

Maverick: Because I'm on your side bro *wink* *wink*

Steve: Maverick? You're a good guy now?

Maverick: No... I'm Dave pretending to be Maverick!

Maverick removes the ponytail to reveal Dave's traditional long haired look even though he has military clothes on.

Metal Face, Dougette, the robot, Ultra Evil Man and Phil look on confused when Dave suddenly jumps over to them and kicks them all down! One by one he kicks down Metal Face, then Ultra Evil Man, then the robot and then Phil and the Dougette! Dougette blocks with her robot arms but the kick causes them to get badly damaged and unusable.

Dave then continues to talk to Steve while the bad-guys recover.

Dave: I pretended to be Maverick to trick them all and make a surprise attack! Is that clever or what?

Steve: Yeah but .... why didn't you let me know about it???

Dave: Oh yeah .... I meant too.....

Steve: You went on TV and threatened me with the others and everything!

Dave: Pretty good huh? I should be an actor!

Dave begins to smoke two joints at once while the bad-guys get up and look pissed.

Steve: And now the bad-guys have recovered so this accomplished nothing!

Dave: Oh .... shazam! beans.

Metal Face: Let's kill both of these balloon knot!

Steve: Hold on, I got a surprise of my own ..... NOW!!!!!

When Steve yells NOW!!!!!, Pigeon Man and an army of henchmen in pigeon costumes rush out to the scene and begin fighting the super villains! Steve called Pigeon Man in the last episode and requested his help explaining that if he gets killed they can never have their good vs evil games anymore - Pigeon Man decided to help so they could continue this relationship!

The pigeon men are fighting all the bad-guys and some begin to attack Dave!

Steve (to all pigeon men): NOOOOOOOOOOO HE'S ON OUR SIDE!

In the action, Dougette kicks away some pigeon men with her robot legs as her robot arms are broken! Suddenly she turns around and is face to face with the robot!

Dougette: Get out of my way!

Robot: NO!!!!

The robot suddenly appears to hug Dougette and holds her right so she can't move.

Dougette: What ...what are you doing? You're hurting me!!!


Meanwhile Metal Face effortlessly punches his way through some pigeon men and makes his way to Steve in a hurry!

Steve: Oh shazam!!

Steve fires off a few shotgun shots at Metal Face but his metal armor protects him as he draws closer! Suddenly Dave jumps in and punches Metal Face away and they begin to fight a safe distance away from Steve!

Phil and Ultra Evil Man are getting swarmed by pigeon men and fight them off while Steve begins to open fire on them!

Amanda continues to watch from the mansion security cameras in the panic room with little Samantha.

Amanda: Things are getting crazy out there!

Back to the robot who is hugging Dougette and won't let her go!

Dougette: Let me go you balloon knot! We reprogrammed you to help us you malfunctioning piece of crap!


Dougette: You mean you were faking being on our side!?


Dougette: You balloon knot! How could you do this to me?!?


Dougette: You know my personality! I need constant change in my life! Why do you think I became a woman?!


Dougette: Let me go!!!!


Dougette: What?!! Why?!?!?



Dougette can't escape the robot's death hug and the robot begins to glow and suddenly....


The robot blows himself up killing himself and Dougette forever! The explosion causes the huge fight scene to temporarily stop as most people get knocked over and the area fills with smoke! As the smoke clear people begin to stand up.

Steve: There's goes two characters nobody will miss ever....

The fight scene resumes where it left off. We have Dave fighting Metal Face but Metal Face seems even stronger than Dave! Metal Face is getting the upper hand smashing Dave into some buildings.

Ultra Evil Man is busy with lots of pigeon henchmen! Meanwhile the pigeon henchmen who were keeping Phil back have all been killed! Phil now approaches Steve!

Steve: Stay back dork!

Steve opens fire on Phil but the guns have no effect as Phil has an indestructible solid hologram body made out of force-fields!

Phil: You can't hurt me Steve ... not anymore ... today I'm going to hurt YOU!

Steve: Why are you doing this?!? We used to be friends!

Phil: I have been reprogrammed to hate you! You are the worst human being ever!!!

Steve: Phil ... fight your programming! Remember the good times! (thinking) I hope this works

Phil: What good times?

Steve: Ummmm.....

While Steve desperately tries to think of ONE good time ... or at least a decent time .... the action continues around them!

Ultra Evil Man is quickly disposing of the remaining pigeon men!

Pigeon Man: Damn it! Stop hurting my henchmen!

Pigeon Man comes at Ultra Evil Man with a board but Ultra Evil man slaps him into a building! Ultra Evil Man only has a few more henchmen to defeat before he's free to focus on Steve!

Meanwhile Dave is getting his bottom kicked by Metal Face!

Metal Face: Stupid pot head! Your super soldier powers are no match for my far superior powers! I'M IMMORTAL!!!!!

Dave throws some punches and kicks at Metal Face but Metal Face blocks and throws better punches and kicks that knock Dave down!

Metal Face: Prepare to die!

Dave: Oh no ... I got to think of something fast!

Dave closes his eyes and thinks hard of how to defeat his stronger opponent.... this is all he can think of at the time ....

### Flashback

Dave is in the weed garage with Steve.

Steve: ... what are you doing?

Dave is holding a popcorn kernel with his robotic hand and a lit lighter in the other hand with the flame under the kernel.

Dave: ... I'm making popcorn one at a time.

Steve: ...what? Why?

Dave: Cause I'm too high and lazy to take this bag of popcorn to the microwave ... also I don't have a microwave in here.

Steve: Oh Dave ... you're retarded.

### End Flashback

Dave wakes up from his flashback to see he's being held up in the air by his throat and getting punched by Metal Face's free hand!

Dave: Oh shazam!! I'm still in this situation!!

Meanwhile Steve is still trying to talk his way out of Phil killing him.

Phil: No, that doesn't count either.

Steve: Ok then ... how about the time ...

Phil: ENOUGH! We have no good times and you know it! You need to die now!

Steve: WAIT!!!!

Phil: Stop trying to distract me!

Steve: The Phil I knew would never try to kill me! You're a good guy! Fight your programming and stop doing this!!!! PLEASE!!!!!

Phil suddenly stops and looks like he's in pain.

Phil: No... I can't fight it!

Steve: You're super intelligent and really cool! You can do this!!

Phil: Maybe ... maybe I can!

Phil looks like he's having the struggle of his life as he fights an internal battle against his programming!

Steve: You can do it buddy ... I believe in you!

Phil: Not sure if I can ... but I can deactivate myself so I don't cause anymore harm!

Steve: Thank you Phil, I knew you would come through!

Phil: Program... shutting down.

Phil begins to fade away as he shuts down ... but right before he does....

Steve: By the way, you still suck.

Phil has a look of shock on his face right before he disappears and the motherboard that projected him falls to the ground.

Steve: Phew ... thank goodness that's over!

Steve is now seen jumping up and down on Phil's motherboard smashing it to pieces and then peeing on it.

Steve: There, that should be the end of evil Mr. Phil!

Suddenly and without warning Ultra Evil Man punches Steve in the face FULL FORCE!

Steve: Hey ... that was kind of annoying.


Steve: Ummm.... I've had gentle breezes hurt worse than that... and why are you skinny now?

Ultra Evil Man looks at his ring hand in shock to see his mystical ring is once again missing and the duct taped glove is gone too!

Ultra Evil Man: NOOOOO.... my glove that was protecting my ring ... it must have gotten torn off when I fought those pigeons ... oh no ... all my health problems coming back! I didn't bring my pills!

Steve: Ummmm...

Ultra Evil Man clutches his kidney in pain.

Ultra Evil Man: Oh no .... kidney failure!

Ultra Evil Man collapses on the ground in a field of dead pigeon men and vomits blood and appears to be dead.

Steve: Well that was a freebie.

Pigeon Man emerges out of the wreckage and looks around to see all his henchmen dead.

Pigeon Man: No.... shazam!! I hate having to recruit....

Pigeon Man looks over to Steve.

Pigeon Man: Are you alright? Is this over now!

Steve: Maybe ... hey, where's Dave?

Suddenly Steve feels a tap on his shoulder and begins to turn around.


Steve turns around to reveal Metal Face, the final member of the bad-guys!

Steve: Oh shazam!....

Metal Face grabs Steve by the throat and lifts him high in the air!

Steve: .... *cough* ... where's Dave?

Metal Face: You're about to meet up with him ... in hell!

Pigeon Man: NOOOOO!!!! HE'S MY FRENEMY!!!

Pigeon Man runs at Metal Face head first like a charging bull in an attempt to save Steve! Metal Face gets rammed by Pigeon Man's spiked metal skill plate! Metal Face is fine and continues to hold Steve high up in the air but Pigeon Man hurt himself.

Pigeon Man: Damn....

Metal Face then uses his super strength and metal boot to kick Pigeon Man in the jaw with such force his head goes flying off into the distance! Pigeon Man has been killed!!

Metal Face then tightens his grip on Steve's neck while holding him in the air. Steve struggles to breathe.

Metal Face: It's time for you to FINALLY die for what you have done to me Steroids Man! Nobody's going to talk me out of it this time!

We see Steve's life slip away from him as he cries a single tear. Watching from the monitor in the panic room is Amanda also crying ... this looks like it's the end!

Metal Face: Muahahahahahahaha!!!

Suddenly out of nowhere a bloody fist comes protruding through Metal Face's chest! Metal Face instantly drops Steve to the ground! Steve looks up to see what happened.

Steve: What the....

We show Dave behind Metal Face with his fist punched right through him! Dave has used his super soldier strength and summoned enough force to punch right through Metal Face to save his friend and brother Steve! Dave removes his bloody fist and steps away as Metal Face holds the gaping hole in his chest.

Metal Face: ... you bastard...

Metal Face falls backward and lies on the ground in pain from this mortal wound!

Steve: That was amazing! You punched right through the guy!

Dave: Yeah... he had me pretty beat down but I recovered... and when I seen you were in trouble I reacted ... but damn I got this dude's blood all over me!

Steve and Dave stand next to each other and look down at Metal Face who's dying.

Dave: Oh man... I think I killed him ... I never killed anyone before. I mean ... not as myself ... maybe when I was possessed by Maverick or whatever... but not in my own mind...

Metal Face: *cough* ... but you killed that woman!

Dave: What woman?

Metal Face: When you tricked us into thinking you were Maverick for whatever pointless reason .... you killed a woman to prove you were evil!

Dave: Oh, that. No, you guys killed her! When you asked me to prove I was evil and kill someone I just brought in an already dead body that was outside.

Metal Face: I hate you both ... but Steroids Man ... I especially hate you!

Steve: Will you just die already ... and for good this time?

Dave: Yeah... how do we know he won't un-die again like he did last time?

Metal Face: You fools ... the real Metal Face died at your retirement party ... *cough*

Steve: Then who the hell are you?

Metal Face: Behold!

Metal Face removes his mask to reveal a white guy with long crazy gray hair. Steve and Dave look very confused.

Steve: Then who the hell are you?

Metal Face: It's me .. William!!!

(Metal Face will now be captioned as William)

Steve: Ummmm.... we don't know you pal.

Dave: Yeah, this is confusing. I'm going to light a joint.

William: I'm professor William! Remember Dave?? I was the one who cured you from the multiple personalities! My father invented the super soldier serum that made you who you are today!

Dave: Oh yeah ... you're the science guy who fixed me up and gave me the robot hand! How ya doin?

Steve: Why are you pretending to be Metal Face?

William: Because it represented something that you feared ... I wanted to terrorize you before I kill you and before Metal Face died he hung out with me a lot ... and I had extras of his clothes....

(Also when William helped Dave with his multiple personality problem, he gained more knowledge about the super soldier serum. William made a perfected version that was suppose to not have negative effects on the mind, but this was destroyed at the retirement party ... William had to make another version which made him kinda crazy and believe he was Metal Face.)

Steve: I don't know what the hell is going on anymore!

William: You need to die that's what's going on!

William is still bleeding out on the ground though and doesn't have the energy to kill anyone.

Steve: If you're not the real Metal Face then why do you want me dead so bad?

William: I told you this at your retirement party remember?? I was the guy in the white lab-coat who tried to kill you before the cops came and shot me with rubber bullets?

Steve: Can I have a refresher?


Steve and Dave remember this night very well. Despite Steve's poor memory and Dave's burnt memory ... this night was the first night Dave turned into Maverick (episode 19) and was very traumatizing. On this night the professor who invented the serum died and his colleague went insane.

Steve: Ok yes, I remember that professor ... he paid Dave to be a test subject for this thing that turned him into Maverick and all that!

Dave: That was a life changing day huh?

Steve: Yeah man ... (looking down at William) but listen guy I didn't kill your Dad!

William: The cops told me YOU killed him!!

Steve: The cops probably lied because they hated me back then because I killed most of them .... but I remember specifically not killing that professor guy who you say was your father.

William: Then who did!?!?

Dave: Ummmmm.... it ... might have been me .....

William: WHAT?!?!?!?

(brief flashback to episode 19 where Dave, as Maverick punches his arm through the professor's back ... the death blow that killed him - ironically in the same fashion Dave just did to William as Metal Face)

William: YOU!!!?!

Dave: Well.... I was Maverick at the time so I didn't have control of myself.

Steve: Yeah ... and if you think about it your Dad made Dave turn into Maverick ... so it's like your Dad killed himself ... he was killed by his own creation sort of thing.

William is boiling mad and full of emotion as he hears this news while laying on the ground and dying in a Metal Face costume. All these years of hate ... at the wrong person! It was Dave that he should have been after this whole time ... but Dave was Maverick and not in control of himself... his father basically brought about his own death and this makes William crazy.

William: I hate you both so much.... how about we all die today?

William opens a panel on his arm and presses some buttons and smiles.

Dave: What's going on?

Suddenly a beeping noise is heard coming from the Metal Face suit.

Steve: I think he activated a self destruct bomb thing or something!

Dave: shazam!!

Dave thinks fast and grabs William and uses his super strength to toss him high in the air.

Dave: RUN!!!!

Dave and Steve run and dive under a parked van as William flies high up in the air from Dave's throw.



William EXPLODES in an ENORMOUS explosion that shakes the city and fills the sky with smoke! It looks like a war-zone over here!

Dave and Steve emerge from under the van to see that everyone is dead from this crazy battle. Amanda watches on the panic room monitors and sees this too and leaves with the baby.

Steve: Oh man, that was EPIC!

Dave: We did it! We got rid of all the bad guys!

Steve: I can't believe it, they're all dead!!! Even my annoying neighbour Pigeon Man is dead! Although he was kinda starting to grow on me near the end....

Dave: Yeah Man ... want to smoke a joint with me?

Steve: After this crazy shazam!?! Hell yeah!

Steve and Dave pass a joint back around and Amanda comes close to them with a Baby ... but not too close because of the weed smoke.

Amanda: It's over right?

Steve: Yeah... everyone died but us....

Amanda: Thank goodness! I think this means all your enemies are officially dead Steve ... at least the most threatening ones.

Steve: Yeah what a day .. I'm just glad we are all safe and can FINALLY take it easy.

(Oh it's not over .... don't miss the next episode and finale to see just how badly Steve jinxed everyone!!)