Review all movies, new or old here! Lots of people on this forum like to talk about movies, so if you have a movie to discuss just make a topic for it! These topics will be full of SPOILERS!
MisTer Pockets
Ancient Moderator
Posts: 285
Joined: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:20 am
Location: Colorado

Post by MisTer Pockets »

Hell, I have been quoting these guys for a while now, so I might as well just make a damn topic about em.

First Showing

Basically, if you like movies as much as me, BOOKMARK it. this is a pretty neat site to check out. Sure, it isn't as big as Cinema Blend or Rotten Tomatoes, but those sites are so popular they may be a bit biased at times.

Oh, and chances are I will still be quoting these guys in new topics regardless of the fact that I made this topic ;)