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Zot and chex discuss Rudolph.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:07 am
by chex
I have serious Rudolph hate. Zot was subjected to my rantings about it on Facebook. Enjoy my asshattery.

chex: I also managed to destroy Rudolph for my children tonight. lol

Zot: you are going to have to explain that.

chex: I was talking about what a horrible movie it is. Poor Rudolph is told from the day of his friggin birth that he isn't good enough, even by his parents and Santa Claus. He's bullied by everyone, including the adults. Then at the end, they only "accept" him when they realize they can use him, so it benefits them to play nice. And that's portrayed as a happy ending!
smurf Rudolph.

Zot: as far as I am concerned, the movie is about a wildlife conservationist trying to maintain the abominable snowman population.
bumbles bounce

chex: Dude, they are balloon knot to the bumble!!

Zot: not the prospector! well, it may have seemed that way, but by getting him away from the group, he was actually protecting the bumble

chex: Let's take away his teeth (when we could have just ran while he was knocked out) for trying to get his smurf dinner like any other animal, then we'll give him a menial job and pat ourselves on the back for taming the savage.

Zot: I'll have to edit it. In my head it is because the bumble actually has bad teeth, so they were on a humanitarian mission to help him

chex: Hermie and the gang are sick smurf.
They're like the bullied kids of columbine who shot everybody up.
I may be exaggerating for my own politically incorrect amusement.

Zot: the whole thing is kind of like the bible... not to be taken seriously, as it is just an allegory of the systematic oppression in middle america in the 50s

chex: Like the kindly white folk who give the black folks jobs sweeping their floors so they can be good respectable black folks, and almost full members of society?

Zot: something like that

chex: That was a virtual pat on the head, wasn't it?

Zot said it was not a virtual pat on the head. ;)