Characters (old eps 50-89)

Discuss the characters of the show here! Includes a constantly updated topic list of all characters and a place to suggest new characters of your own! Come on by!
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Game Destroyer
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Characters (old eps 50-89)

Post by Clarence »

Here is a list of characters which will be updated as new comics come out and things change -- contains spoilers if you haven't read the 50th comic and beyond!!! Let me know if thereis mitsakes

--Feel free to suggest updates to be made to this page or if you're a mod, just edit it as you like. Treat it like Wikipedia.

-----Our Heroes-----

Image Cushion - Cowardly pillow who everyone seems to want to kill. Has annoying hobbies as well as personality. She is a woman who has been pretending to be a man to inherit her Grandfather's money as her parents have died mysteriously. Now pregnant and in a relationship with Peachy!!

Image Peachy - Murderous peach ring who is mostly a confused serial killer! Grows tired of disappointing adversaries that aren't worthy of the kill. Has unusual religious beliefs. Keeps getting bigger and is in a relationship with Cushion.

Image Sir Walter (AKA Mr. Yellow) - Cushion and Bread Slice's former landlord. Former member of the League of Shadowy Figures, but quit! Enjoys a good monocle, cane and top hat. Sleazily usurped his way to become king of England! Had hilarious eye problems. Has a cane that seems to have unlimited additional functions but is currently out of power. Actually a member of the Hat People who plan to take over Earth. Sir Walter is actually a Hat from another dimension that can control anyone who wears him.

Image Bread Slice - Bread Slice is back ... as a Swiss Army Knife!!! Best friend of Cushion and former room mate. Died and his soul got stuck in Sir Walter's banana eye, when Sir Walter's banana body was killed Bread Slice's spirit was free! He is now a ghost who can possess anyone he chooses. Is super in love and mega obsessed with Cushion.

-----Characters based on actual NELG members :)-----

Image Great Dot - A friendly blue dot who is laid back and is constantly doing renovations on his house or having food themed parties. Has a brother, Boggle.

Image Boggle - Great Dot's brother. Makes awesome Burritos. Always around to help Great Dot with his never ending renovations. Always likes to help out and give advise to anyone. An all around great dot!

Image Strawberry Chex - An awesome kick-bottom cereal who always gets stuck with a bad online date. Has three little cereals children.

Image Froot Loop - Eldest spawn of Strawberry Chex. Future neurosurgeon.

Image Apple Jack - Middle spawn of Strawberry Chex. A curious cereal who loves to jump and climb.

Image Corn Pop - Youngest spawn of Strawberry Chex. Always wants a snack.

Image Bella - She is a bell who helps babysit for Strawberry Chex sometimes.

Image LaMeow - A zen-cat who hates arguments/fights and likes the color blue and chocolate. Oh and occasionally looses her temper when she feels pressured by others.

Image Dowster - A British chap who loves to put on silly faces and make people laugh. Disappears often but when he comes back it's awesome!

Image Cho - The town butterfly!

Image Shay - An artist who of course would be an artist paint brush :)

Image Sizz - A musical music stand who loves to make awesome music!

Image Eff - Bad at English and obsessed with Clarence ... !!!

-----League of Severe Evil-----

Image Clarence - Leader of the League of Shadowy Figures and an all out amazing guy all the way around despite being the leader of a secret, evil organization. Has some powers including laser eyes!

Image Princess Tee - She's a pretty intense presence in the league! Has a pet unicorn named Frederick! A telekinetic super stiletto of epic proportions and quite possibly the most powerful character in the show! Very intimidating and not afraid to stand up to anyone or just yell a lot.

Image Ban Hammer - A hammer that always tries to ban people and likes to argue. Gets mad cause other people like to use him as a ... hammer ...

Image Dr. Lego - A Lego nurse who used the league influence to become a doctor!! She is outrageously stupid even when it comes to knowing anything that pertains to being a doctor which she has been working very hard to be... Now wears a reflective doctor thing to seem more ... doctor like.

Image Dread Slice - Used to have a code name of Mr. Pink which he hated because he wore a red cape... which turned pink after a laundry malfunction. Also Nurse Lego finds him creepy. Likes to carry and use bombs a lot. Gets mad when others think he's gay but at the same time has a lot of gay qualities. Has a similar appearance to Bread Slice ???

Image Steve - Rarely talks and generally creeps everyone out. His bark may be worse than his bite, or fire breath. Basically is a total jabberwocky, especially since Tee joined the group. He's very scared of her!

Image Frederick - Princess Tee's pet unicorn that talks and has magical powers. Wasn't technically a member but became one when Smokey died and can be called on like the eagles of Lord of the Rings when needed.

-----The Evil Bunch-----

Image Sir chair - A veteran super villain who got his confidence back after Mr. Gear and Clippy finally died. Determined to take over the world and feels invincible now!

Image Blaza - A more gangster version of fire.

Image Spork Man - An angry fork/spoon hybrid who isn't afraid to stab people with his prongs of death!

Image Super Pear - Once a super hero but turned evil after his disdain for humanity and all it's corporate greed.

Image Yo-Yo Ma - A pretty chill and cool yo yo who's pretty hip ... hip into killing that is.

Image Mr. Universe - A mysterious gem from another dimension or something who has some kind of far out, cosmic powers. Brother to Metal Diamond.

Image Metal Diamond - The most indestructible character in my show!!!! Brother of Mr. Universe.

Image Bi-Polar Roller - A very happy sad happy sad HAPPY SAD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

-----Hat People-----

Image Supreme Hat - Leader of the evil hats that are invading Earth. Appearance unknown.

Image Dame Genevieve - The only woman hat of Supreme Hat's top henchmen. Inherited Sir Slice's cane and is on a mission to help take over Earth!

Image ??? - Appears to be a portal or something, looks very evil

Image ??? - A hat person that has taken over the body of electricity? Lightening?

Image ??? - A smurf awesome Magneto helmet that has taken over the body of a yummy chocolate chip cookie!! How smurf awesome is this for reals?

Image ??? - A Badass double barrel shotgun!! With a mad wild west attitude!

Image ??? - A nut with a metal hat who is into heavy metal

Image ??? - A resistor who can resist ANYTHING!!!

Image ??? - A smurf tank with a modified weapon from space!!! Oh shazam!!!

Image Fred the Destroyer of Holiday Spirit - A Christmas themed bad guy who only appears during the holidays to ruin everyone's Christmas in horrible / stupid ways.

-----Elite Elderly Circuit-----

Image Thaddeus - Evil Leader of the Elite Elderly Circuit who apparently was in some horrible accident! Then in another horrible face slicing off and sewn back on thing.

Image Arthur the Victorian Couch - Cushion's balloon knot/racist Grandfather who wants to have her killed. May have had Cushion's parents killed as well!

Image Covered Bridge - A really old member who likes to insult the other members.

Image Sammy - An old cellphone who refuses to die! Seriously!

Image Miss Chamberpot - Only female member who is maybe the least evil and maybe not evil at all, kind and caring actually.

Image Ole Scratchy - Has a seeing eye disorder or something.

Image 5 Hour Energy Drink - A bottle of 5 Hour Energy Drink who had his energy drank and became old with a beard/cane. Now very slow paced and filled with liquor instead.

-----The rest-----

Image Monsieur Maurice Banana - French brother of Sir Walter who speaks French badly and is very annoying. Carries his lucky baguette with him at all times. Is very evil and random, enjoys chaos over order!

Image Mustafa - Evil toiler paper roll that has toilet paper themed powers and is totally gangster! Formerly Ephraim the Eraser's assistant as Ephraim couldn't touch things.

Image Clocky AKA Timekeeper AKA Handyman AKA Ronald - A clock by many names with some kind of multiple personality disorder who is obsessed with hiding in bushes and jumping out when someone happens to ask "What time is it?"

Image Car Battery - He is the leader of the Society of quilters and carries a blanket!!!

Image Charlie the Chainsaw - A Chainsaw who carries a chainsaw ...

Image Coke - A dangerous man who takes fabulous pictures!

Image The Crack Hen - A hen and crack pipe combination that needs to borrow money for drugs.

Image Pastor Podium - The very honest pastor of the local church.

Image Bigger English Cucumber - Older and fatter brother of English Cucumber. Also kidnapped by Strawberry Chex.

Image The Killer Suppository - A evil doer who does evil things to balloon knot.

Image The Ibliss Trigger - The greatest villain and infiltrator of all places ... in his mind.

Image Deflated Balloon - Has frequent temper tantrums if he doesn't get his way.

Image Pierre Razor - French straight razor that shaved criminals before they faced the guillotine. Not really evil, but numb to both life and death. Until he met Monica, a sexy Italian switch blade who made him realize there is more to life... until Peach Ring absconded with her to America!

Image Boris the Beard - When Peter the Great was trying to modernize Russia, he wanted all the old Russian men to shave their beards so they looked more like the France -- at the time, the most modern country in Europe. If they did not comply, they had to pay a Beard Tax. Boris was so outraged by this that he left Russia and has been wandering Europe as a Mercenary ever since. Boris : Beard For Hire.

Image Dr. Disc - A VERY evil doctor who missed the boat on killing Mr. Gear and Clippy and now is at a loss for what to do with himself.

Image Maurice Jr - Once of Monsieur Maurice Banana's freak children who escaped and could be lurking in your cupboards as we speak!!

Image Creepy Bar Owner - A bar owner who owns it at being creepy.

-----Deceased Characters!!!-----

Image Magneto (AKA Mr. Gray) - The first death in the comics from this poorly named character who is loud and has magnetic powers ... he accidentally pulled a plane into himself and died and the League of Shadowy Figures blames Cushion who was there at the time being harassed by Magneto.

Image Mortimer Maximus Manheim Junior III -Mortimer lead a very sheltered yet structured life with his strict parents, a wagon wheel and a bent coat-hanger. Forbidden to watch TV he wasn't able to learn things as quickly as his peers, which were few and far between because he was home schooled and not allowed to have friends. Sadly his sheltered life lead to be his undoing as he was unable to recognize the danger of the lit bomb he was holding that blew him up at McDonalds on a random Wednesday. He was one day away from being promoted to manager too, sad.

Image Evil Flower - A surprisingly evil flower who lost his head!

Image Monica - Peach Ring's knife who died tragically

Image Ephraim the Eraser - A killer eraser that erased everything he touched! Seems to regret that he can't touch anything but had his assistant Mustafa touch things on his behalf.

Image English Cucumber - Was very attractive to the ladies.... until he was treated too rough and broke in half.

Image Roy - Liked old music. Choked to death on ketchup?? Former member of the Elite Elderly Circuit.

Image Winebottle - A happy go lucky wine bottle who loved to have people over for a glass of wine. Very friendly but picked the wrong friends it seems...

Image Clippy - Crazy candy addict who was very stupid/random and always liked to go on an adventure and tried to be a good guy.

Image Mr. Gear - Stoner balloon knot who was especially mean to Clippy and never wanted to do anything, seriously lazy and unhelpful. Seemed kind of evil really.

Image Cheesus - Alcoholic former super hero who drank because he lost his powers and was totally useless in the end.

Image Steroids Man - A character who did steroids a lot and lost control of himself often. A very original character because I'm not so out of ideas that I'm starting to rip myself off.

Image Mr. Bucket - The bucket who exposed the Shadowy Figures' true appearance. He died so gruesomely I don't dare explain what happened

Image Pine - Sir Chair’s on again / off again wife. She didn’t have a lot of options, obviously. Mr. Gear and Clippy's dead Mom.

Image Beth - Peach Ring's baseball bat girlfriend who, like Monica the knife, never talked or was known to be sentient.

Image Knob - Hasn't been the same since tube left him.

Image Smokey - Was high all the time! Screwed up or forgot to complete his evil plans because he got high, because he got high, because he got high!! Also ran the weed store and was Mr. Gear's #1 supplier before Mr. Gear died.

Image Professor Tobacco Pipe - Had bladder problems and missed his Grandson, Smokey. Died in a tragic Christmas explosion.

Image Lord Onion - League of Severe Evil's super short lived replacement for Smokey but Tee killed him as she's allergic to onions.

Image Hammond - Peachy's Katana which was gifted from Cushion. Hammond died when he was shattered to bits on Sir Slices magic crystal cane!!

Image Fenwick - A random brick that Peachy used to talk too.... ... ???

Image Dominick - Cushion's bra that Peachy used to talk too ... ?? !!! :O

Image Sir Slice - A dead hat person who's dead along with the pizza body it inhabited. A super low level henchmen of the Hat people who failed horribly at his job.

Image Benchy - A random bench that Cushion was sitting on in the first comic. Cushion flipped him over when trying to get away from Peach Ring on their first encounter. Benchy has since been trying to get back on his feet and wants to kill Cushion. Joined up with the elderly to help his cause.... but then left cause the elderly are useless.
the two timer
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Re: Updated Characters List

Post by bella »

There's a mistake in mistake. Shouldn't it be Admiral Awesome since he has been promoted?
Game Destroyer
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Re: Updated Characters List

Post by Clarence »

I organized the character list better I think.

Let me know your thoughts or improvement ideas thanks!
Game Destroyer
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Re: Updated Characters List

Post by Clarence »

I did another update cause things keep changing!

As always let me know if there's any screw ups or things that should be expanded on :)

I'm bored at work and systems are down lol
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