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What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 4:23 pm
by Clarence
Ok, I'm in trouble here.

Last year I didn't go to movies too often... but this year I want to see so much!

Blue means I seen it, Red means I skipped it

Zoolander 2:

Excited! Zoolander 1 was awesome! I just hope they can recapture some of the magic and doesn't turn out to be tragically disappointing like Dumb and Dumber 2 :( Normally I don't go to theaters for comedy but this is a must for me. I consider Zoolander 1 a cult classic. I wish they went with the title of Twolander as they first thought.


I may be more excited for this than Zoolander but Tee isn't into it at all ... I'm gonna drag her there by the heels though as payback for a movie down the list. I think this looks great and will have me laughing my bottom off.


Actually not so into this one but I'm obligated as I see all the Marvel Cinematic movies in theaters. They got my money so hard. Not sure how I feel about this though, from all I heard it sounded awesome but watching the trailer I felt nothing .... It wasn't what I expected at all. And Cap and Bucky tag teaming Iron Man? That's febreeze. I hope they don't botch this shazam!.

Xmen Apocalypse

Oh hell yeah! We got to finally see a film adaption of Apocalypse! And the good Quicksilver is back with Evan Peters! This can only be good things. Love the new generation of Xmen, they nailed the roles for young Magneto and Charles

Doctor Strange

Again, obligatory Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. No high expectations yet. But had low exceptions for Antman and I was thrilled the whole time.

Suicide Squad

Here's the movie I feel like I'm betraying Marvel with. I wouldn't see this except for Tee is IN LOVE WITH THIS. Watching the trailers over and over. She'll drag me here and it will be the first time I seen a DC movie in YEARS. She loves Harely Quinn lol


Good thing I have a Scene it Card with a bunch of free movies cause I'm locked into 6 movies this year which is a lot for me :)

Re: What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 5:20 pm
by Shay
We go to movies a lot. I'm sure there will be some movies here and there that I did not mention that we will see. We try to do Tuesday movies because they're only $5 and we have nice dream loungers and free popcorn. And we rack up points pretty quickly for free movies. But these are the ones we have planned for sure.

Because duh!

Batman v Superman
Honestly, not holding my breath on this one. I cannot get behind a Ben Affleck Batman, but worst of all, that dumb smurf Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. I cannot even take him seriously. Ugh.. but we'll go to it anyway because we always have to give superhero movies a shot. I am convinced that one day a non-Marvel/Disney superhero movie will surprise me (other than X-Men.. I usually like X-Men).

The Jungle Book
I am actually really looking forward to this and I love that Scarlet Johansson is playing Kaa. I have high hopes for this and I can't wait to see what they do with it.

Kung Fu Panda 3
We will probably go see this one as well. We really enjoyed the first two and I'm a fan of comedic, animated movies.

Captain America: Civil War
Can't wait! Right now, Marvel/Disney have me completely hooked. I remember when I found out that Marvel was being bought by Disney and I was so very upset, almost livid, because I was convinced that Marvel was going to go to shazam! even more than they already were at the time. Boy, how I was so very wrong! I wish more superhero movies by other companies could pull off what Marvel/Disney produce.

X-Men: Apocalypse
Another superhero franchise I'm very fond of. Really looking forward to the next Apocalypse.

TMNT: Out of the Shadows
Honestly, when I first saw the trailer for the first TMNT produced by Michael Bay, I really did not have high hopes for it. Redoing TMNT could either be really good or a complete disaster. I wouldn't go as far to say it was amazing, but it wasn't complete shazam! either and I really liked his rendition on the origin story. I know a lot of people were upset by that, but that was one aspect of the movie I really loved and made a lot more sense to me than the original. The story was a bit lacking, but overall I enjoyed the movie and I will see the second one.

Being a World of Warcraft fan myself and knowing full well that Blizzard puts a lot of great production value into their cinematics, I can't wait to see this story come to life.

Independence Day Resurgence
I have to go to this one out of sheer nostalgia. I'm worried about it though. You can't just bring back Independence day without Will Smith. Will Smith and Bill Pullman made that movie. I don't give a rat's bottom if Jeff Goldblum is in it. He was not a highlight of the movie IMO and is highly overrated. So we'll see...

The Secret Life of Pets
Honestly, I'm not thrilled on this one. Brandon's brother, Dylan, is pretty excited about it and thinks it's going to be hilarious. So we will likely get pulled along for the show.

Another nostalgia watch for me. I don't really know how I feel about the new cast. Most of the team is or has been on SNL. I'm not looking to watch an SNL movie, no offense. And I like Melissa McCarthy, but she's the same person in all of her movies. But I'm sure it will be fun anyway. It just won't be the Ghostbusters that is near and dear to me.

Star Trek Beyond
Because Star Trek... I don't think I need to say anything other than that.

Bourne 5
I wasn't thrilled with the fourth Bourne movie. I thought it would have been better as a movie all on its own rather than part of the Bourne franchise, especially with their only being a mention of Matt Damon's character which just felt out of place. Bourne 5 will have Matt Damon back in the action, so I'm curious to see where they take it next.

Suicide Squad

Ok, I have mixed feelings on this one. When casting photos were first released, I absolutely hated it. The Joker is a smurf a joke, and not in a good way. Then they started playing teaser footage with Harley Quinn, and I smurf hated it more. She is not a dumb bimbo girl, but that is exactly what she was in the teasers with no personality. Ugh. BUT... then I saw the recent trailer and...well... I don't know now. It could have something to do with the fact that they played it to Bohemian Rhapsody and I smurf love that song so it made the trailer look great, but I have a little more hope for it now than I did before. Lol There are some really interesting fan theories out there, and if they're correct, then I can actually really get behind this Joker. So we'll see.


Another X-Men movie I think could either go really well or really wrong. Either way, it's X-Men and I really liked the Gambit character in the cartoon/comics. So I hope they do a good job with it.

Doctor Strange

Ooooh I think this one is going to be so good! I hope. We don't really have much to gon yet, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Assassin's Creed
Ok, another one I'm really looking forward to. I loooooove these games. Granted, I am super behind and haven't played them all. I think I'm two games behind or something like that. But Michael Fassbender is playing the main character and I really like him. So high hopes for this one, too.

Re: What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:21 am
by Shay
Kung Fu Panda 3 was way better than I thought it would be! It is by far my favorite out of the three now.

Re: What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:29 pm
by Wesley
I plan to see a bunch of movies. Ip Man 3 is definitely on the list. So is The big Short. Other than that, the list is too long to mention.

Re: What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:44 pm
by sizz
I'm bad with films (I only just saw the first Avengers movie - like the third superhero film I've seen - last week) but I do want to see Zoolander 2, and Suicide Squad. Though admittedly most of the reason I want to see Suicide Squad is because I find Cara Delevingne really hot. I agree the second trailer with Bohemian Rhapsody was such a good selling point for the film - looks really good.

Re: What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:34 am
by Shay
I won't give any spoilers, but OH. EM. GEE. Deadpool was SOOOOO good! I can't smurf wait to see it again. Honestly, I didn't think it was nearly as raunchy as some of my friends made it sound, but it was still pretty damn awesome. I feel like this movie has opened up so many possibilities. Although we all knew it possible, I don't think studios really trusted that rated R superhero movies can be very successful! It also proves that sticking more true to the character and realm can have a very positive effect on the fans regardless of how comic/cartoon-like it may be. But my biggest hope out of this is that Fox continues to expand this success and new-found knowledge to other movies in the future. If they can do that, we just might finally have good competition with Marvel and that smurf excites me!

Re: What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:15 pm
by Clarence
I can't wait to see it!

Like I said, I'm very excited about it. To see Deadpool portrayed right and not shitty and weird like that Wolverine movie

Tee isn't looking forward to it though but we made a trade off, I'll see Suicide Squad with her (which I don't really care about) and she'll see Deadpool with me lol

I think that's a good fair trade off :)

Re: What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:57 pm
by Shay
Oh man, you will love it, and hopefully she will too. I'm pretty sure Ryan Reynolds was BORN to play this role. :lol:

Re: What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:19 pm
by Clarence
So to update, I did see Deadpool and thought it was great! Such a shocking change to any other marvel/super hero movie to see. Ryan Reynolds was definitely meant for this role. Loved the comedy and self reference, breaking the fourth wall in a flashback, breaking 16 walls?

I kept thinking that we only see two Xmen then Deadpool mentions that, hmmm maybe the studio couldn't afford the rest. LOVED IT

They kept jabbing at the horrible version from Xmen Origins: Wolverine, and rightfully so :)

Tee hated it though, but her debt is paid so I'll be seeing Suicide Squad with her :)

Also loved how Deadpool is seemingly the worst character and he lands and keeps the most compatible girlfriend of any super hero ever.

Skipped Zoolander ... reviews were too bad and now I'm scared to even see it outside of theaters cause I don't want to taint the original. The sequel to Dumb and Dumber (loved the original) still left me sour :(

Still on track to see the rest of the films on my original post :)

Re: What 2016 movies will you see?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:34 pm
by Shay
Aww.. I was really hoping she would end up liking it. Oh well, at least she tried! On Tuesday I go see a movie I didn't put on the list, 10 Cloverfield Lane. Unfortunately, I will not be seeing Gambit this year as Fox has delayed this until 2017 to make way time for filming two unknown movies. More Deadpool, maybe? ;) One could only hope! Rumor has it that it isn't projected to do very good, though. This makes me sad to hear and I hope that it turns out better than the current speculations. We'll see come 2017.