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Singer dies on stage after stepping on snake but still sang

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:26 pm
by Clarence

Re: Singer dies on stage after stepping on snake but still sang

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:36 pm
by LaLou
Well, if one does stupid things (like performing with a venomous snake), one has a high risk of dying from that stupidity. She should not have relied on the word of someone else, she should have checked for herself if the snake was defanged. OR NOT HAVE USED SNAKES AT ALL IN HER PERFORMANCE.
Dang, it irritates me so much if people USE animals that way, completely ignoring it's natural behavior and thinking to get away with it.
Eigen schuld, dikke bult, as we in the NL say.
As you might guess, I don't feel sorry at all for her. I do for her children though. I hope she did not pass on her stupidity gene to them.