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Scrapped Bored Games ideas

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:58 pm
by NTG
These are Bored Games ideas that got scrapped for one reason or another.

1. Misheard Lyrics Game
The song chooser listens to a song, then without looking at the lyrics, guesses what the lyrics are and posts them. the guessers guess what song it was.

2. Alphabet Story Game
People try to create a story, in which each word starts with the next letter of the alphabet.

3.Ruin the Situation
One person describes a good and happy situation, the next makes it bad, the next makes it good again and so on.

4.Weird Habits
Just post weird things that you do for some reason!

5.Guess the Number
One person describes a whole number, example: "less than the square root of 144" then the guesser guesses that number.

6.Reply faster than the previous poster
This game was a stupid idea.

7. What would You Buy?
One person allots a certain amount of the next person. The next person would tell what they would buy with that money and then set an amount for the next player.

If you think one of these ideas is good, feel free to create a topic for it.


Re: Scrapped Bored Games ideas

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:25 pm
by Moe
I mean it's not really weird, but it's kind of a habit, but I hate when things are disorganised, or incomplete.

Yesterday my eldest brother had printed out like 14 pages of cards, got like 8 of them cut out, and those 8 pages (9 cards each) weren't organised in any fashion, and he ended up doing something else in the meantime.. I however, show up, see it unorganised, and incomplete, so I sit down and finished cutting them out and organising them for him because it was bugging me, even though I could have turned a blind eye since they had literally zero effect on me.

Or at work we have count sheets (to count people) that we fill do 5 times a day, and keep old sheets back 7 days, and whenever I'm there(on pretty much any unit), I will always sit down and organise them and toss the ones older than 7 days (Yes, counting people) -- however a lot of the unit leads have started to get there stuff organised to begin with so this is happening less and less.

Or if I have a spreadsheet for something (and I have many) everything has to be sorted in either alphabetical or numerical order.

Re: Scrapped Bored Games ideas

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:42 pm
by NTG
I like to eat plain slices of bread.

Don't ask.

Re: Scrapped Bored Games ideas

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 7:38 pm
by NTG
Ruin the Situation got 5 pages!

I’ll put some ideas here, they might be useful in the future.

8. Tic Tac Toe

9. Pictionary
Could be fun if we find a way to play it.

10.Damien’s Adventures
Ruin the Situation except without the ruining part. We tell the story of Damien.

11.Alphabet Comversation
A normal conversation except each word starts with the next letter of the alphabet.

12.Reply slower than the previous poster.