Youtube Scripts.

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Legendary D00d
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Youtube Scripts.

Post by Legendary D00d »

Some scripts I have that I will be making soon I hope, but I thought I'd get some feedback first. So far, it's mostly just talking. I will be adding in much more actions and what-not. So yeah, tell me what you think. :D
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Legendary D00d
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Park. Episode One.

Post by Legendary D00d »

Two guys are swinging on swings at the park. One hangs up his cell phone, as the other is shooting nerf darts at a kid.

John: "You’re an odd one. Sniping defenceless kids with toys is hardly a way to base a future career path which, by the way, does not exist"

Steve: "You may say what you wish, but one day when the MI6 wants your head, and it comes down to an epic battle on a roof top, and I have my over sized pistol held up to your head, I'll refer back to this moment... Then I'll probably say some badass catch phrase or something. It's all in the job description. I will be a spy from the future sent back to cause harm to those of the past."

John: "It's either you have watched too much Bond flicks, or you have officially gone crazy. Now stop shooting kids before MI6 wants your head"

Steve: "You will rue the day you put the children before my career. These kids will be the death of you."

John: "You know, maybe if you focused on important things like school, you wouldn't be here pretending to be Sean Connery"

Steve: "Last I heard, your heading off to summer school, as I have the free time to be whichever Scottish actor I want."

John: "smurf you, my teacher hated me. I swear he deliberately gave me the one pig without at heart for that dissection lab"

Steve: "There's always a teacher that hates one of us. And knowing Mr. Donald, he probably ate the Swine's heart."

Steve nudges John and points over to jock like guy picking on some small nerd.

John: "Probably, I still probably shouldn't have put the reason it was missing a heart was because it was female"

Steve: "You and your women problems cease to disappoint me."

John: "You really like taking pleasure out of other's misfortunes don't you?"

Steve: "It‘s one of the few joys in life. Now what is it this time? Problems in bed? Nagging? Or did she dump your bottom?”

John: "Why should I tell you? Chances are you'll end up on the floor laughing"

Steve: "Chances are pretty high. But we both know you're going to tell me anyways."

John: "You know what, one day, you're going to be the one with a problem... okay I don't know, she just hasn't been answering my calls. but that doesn't mean anything does it?"

Steve pulls out a comic book and begins reading.

Steve: "Well, she could be busy screwing around. But hey, I’m sure that's not the case. And when I have problems, you'll be the first to know."

John: "How can you say something like that, she's an innocent enough girl, she wouldn't do that... at least I don't think she would"

Steve: "I use to be innocent. Oh wow… Check out the chickie over there."

John: "Which?"

Steve: "The one with the mini skirt. I'm getting a chubby just thinking of how she'd reject me."

John: "You‘re weird…"

Steve: "Yeah, but what she doesn't know is that I'm a future spy. Spy's always get laid.. Always."

John: "Is that gonna be your pickup line?"

Steve: "Spy's don't need one. I'll walk up to her, say my last name, then my first name, then repeat my last name. If that doesn't work, I'll try some Jedi mind shazam! on her."

John: "You should write for Hallmark"

Steve: "What better way to tell your girlfriend you want tickle fight, then with a Jedi mind trick card."

John: “Plus she is way to small for you. Thought your fancy was fat chicks."

Steve: “One time, and you’re labelled for life. Fat chicks need loven too.

John: Not that much loven, never that much loven.

Steve: "Every Jedi must face their demons. I don't discriminate due to weight."

John: "I didn't think there was enough force in the world to lift that thing, but whatever, I guess you have the gift"

Steve: "So what you going to do about this whole girlfriend not calling you thing?"

John: "I thought I'd wait it out, maybe her phone is broken. It never really works anyways.”

Steve: "Giving her some time to finish up with that dude? Good plan. We should go get some food."

They get up and start walking along the road.

John: "Yeah, possible adultery tends to make me hungry"

Steve: "They should make a mix between Batman, a Jedi, and Big Bird."

John: "The things you say on a daily basis amaze even me.”

Steve: "Big Bird was a god damn genius. And he could fly. Just adds more awesomeness."

John: "I didn't know Big Bird could fly. Then again I never watched him, he always reminded me of my mom. It freaked me out as a kid"

Steve: "You know you have child problems when you think your mom is big bird. No wonder I was always so got so excited when I saw that giant Bird. It does remind you of your mom.”

John: "If you think my mom is attractive, maybe you are more desperate then I thought"

Steve: "Not desperate. I just keep my mind open to anything."

John: "It won't be long before, you keep your mind open to guys as well"

Steve: "Ahh.. Finally, you come out and say it. No, I will not have sexual intercourse with you."

John: "Why do you always disappoint me so..."

-End Scene-
Last edited by Legendary D00d on Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A broom is like a vaccum.. That doesn't suck.
Legendary D00d
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Park. Episode Two.

Post by Legendary D00d »

Steve: Just think about it. An epic battle between Darth Vader, Aregon from Lord of the rings, and James Bond.

John: There can only be one.

Steve: I think my brain just bled a little thinking about it.

John: Is there any thought non-movie related going through your mind?

Steve: Does porn count as movies?

John: Yes.

Steve: Then no.

John: You disgust me.

Steve: Well, I entertain me.

John: Steve. May I ask you something personal?

Steve: Does it have anything to do with tickle fight?

John: No.

Steve: Can it?

John: Steve, this is serious.

Steve: Uhhh, yeah. Shoot.

John: Have you ever been in love?

Steve: Oh god… This isn’t some ploy to find out if I love you or something.. Is it?

John: What? No. It’s an honest question.

Steve: Uhh.. I’m not sure. Never thought about it.

John: How can’t you think about it?

-Steve looks off into space-

John: Steven?

Steve: Huh? Oh, sorry Dude. What were ya asking?

John: Never mind. Hey, isn’t that Claire?

Steve: Where?

John: With that guy in the suit.

Steve: Oh, it is. Claire! Hey!

Claire walks over with the guy in the suit.

Claire: Hey Steve. It’s been awhile, how are you?

Steve: Ummm… Good, I guess.

Claire: Hey John.

John: Hello.

Suit Dude: Hey, Babe. I’m gonna go get a drink, you want anything?

Claire: I’ll take a water, thanks Hun.

Suit dude walks away.

Steve: Who the smurf was that douche bag?

Claire: Holy shazam! Steve, you never change.

Steve: Well, I’m sorry. When we broke up, I didn’t think you’d go off a date some butt digger.

Claire: smurf you, Steve.

John: Anyways, how are you?

Claire: I’m good. Leonard just asked me to the summer festival dance.

Steve: His names Leonard? Seriously? What is he, 50?

John: Ahh, well, congrats. You two are gonna have a lovely time.

Steve: What kind of douche bag where’s a suit in public. Where’s his brief case? It would be empty cause he probably doesn’t have a job, but at least it would go with the rest of him.

Claire: And do you have a job?

Steve: No, but at least I don’t look like I have one.

Claire: You just can’t be happy for me.

Steve: Not when you’re dating some leg humper. He even walks like a douche bag!

Claire: I’m done with this. It was nice seeing you again John. Grow up Steve.

Claire runs off to Leonard.

John: Smooth. I guess at least you answered my question.

Steve: What question?

John: Have you even been in love.

Steve: Yeah… Once… She dressed up like Princess Leaha for me. Hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

John: You okay?

Steve: Me? Hell yeah. I’m fine. She’s dating Leonard Douche face now. I’m… I’m good.

John: You wanna go get some food?

Steve: I’m always good for getting some food.

John: Great, pizza?

Steve: You paying?

John: Like always.

Steve: Hell yeah, Pizza.
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Re: Youtube Scripts.

Post by UnknownSoldier »

that is smurf great man. I enjoyed every second of it. keep them coming
Legendary D00d
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Re: Youtube Scripts.

Post by Legendary D00d »

My inspiration is a mix of Jay and Silent Bob meets Reccess (Old school family channel cartoon).

I hope to begin filming this weekend.
A broom is like a vaccum.. That doesn't suck.
MisTer Pockets
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Re: Youtube Scripts.

Post by MisTer Pockets »

That title reminded me of a tag that another forum I use has. The admin added a 'Youtube' tag, so all you had to do was type [youtube]*the letters/number sequences after the equal sign on youtube link go here*[/youtube] and it would instantly embed the video onto the forum. very handy if you ask me.

Oh, sorry, go on. Like I said, the title simply reminded me of that.
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