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WBC idots

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:57 am
by Clovvach ... re=related

I think the worst part of this video starts at about 3:30... it couldn't be more infuriating that these people literally brainwash their children, and it dosen't make me quite as infuriated that they are being taught to be homophobes as much as they are taught to hate in general.


I mean really? I do not hate a single person... maybe I things people do (like this twisted indoctrination), but not people themselves. I don't understand what kind of mental illness they have, but these sick balloon knot are planning out their children's life with propaganda for just hate in general. You know "God hates this, so you should chose hate and fear too!"

These WBC are ROBBING these kids of their free thought, and turning them into robots that spew out hate for the sake of themselves only.
Hey you WBC guys may argue that they are only "saving these children from the 'wrath of god'," but WHY would a supreme being would hate people for invalid reasons? Like being Jewish, or Gay? The Jews think that their God's word is just as right as yours is, hmmm? And they have just as much of a reason too, since religion is personal!

And what about being Gay? Other than god what reason do you have to hate homosexuals? It's natural, because there are other gay animals. Gay pedophillia is wrong because it is pedophillia and not because it is gay. There may be perverted gay people out there, but there are perverted straight people out there too! And on the topic, tickle fight is personal, and as long as the people involved has PROPER consentv (so that excludes children), it's fine, so no matter how gross you find whatever type of tickle fight that you think makes gay people "perverts", it's none of your smurf business.

I just wish all these children and grand children could have the free thought they need to live healthy lives, instead of ones filled with hatred and ignorance and confusion....

I know I'm not making that much of a profound point here, but I haven't been this sad and infuriated in a long time.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:53 am
by Beany
This is off topic, but most giraffe tickle fight is male on male.

This isn't right though. It's okay for people to express their opinion, but not control someone's life for them and blame it on religion. I believe in God, but I don't go around telling everyone how to live their lives, and to do it or burn in hell. It's just not right. I'm glad to say that I've never met anyone who does. In the current world, where many people don't believe in religion, it's only fair to let them have their decision. Even though I'm a Christian, nobody came to me and told me what I should and shouldn't believe in. How bad are those kids going to feel if they discover that they are gay, and they've been told at a young age that it's not right and that they are going to be punished for the rest of their lives for it?

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:28 pm
by LaLou
This makes me sick. I couldn't even watch the whole video.
There's no reasoning with these poeple.
Who the hell do they think they are, deciding who goes to heaven and who doesn't. That is Gods decision.
They are not Christians, they are lunatics.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:38 pm
by Clovvach
Yah, it upsets me how they use religion to cover up their bigotry... Hey even if you do believe humanity is doomed to burn in hell, don't go cramming it down people's throats, and don't teach it as fact to your children.

I do strongly disagree with their hate for people, but the thing that they are doing that really pisses me off here is their adittude about it. They act as if what they say is right, and they say what they say right is right because they say it's right, and they're always right, and that that makes it OK to disown their own children and excommunicate them from their own family if they question what you say. I mean even if I had children who turned out to join these guys and be crazy and ignorant, I would NEVER disown them.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:12 pm
by Beany
I haven't even watched the video because it's things like these that make me cry, but what you mentioned in your first post was bad enough. Children need support from those around them, not being told that they have to accept one person's way of thinking or be kicked out. I just can't believe that people would act like this. Sadly, I've thought of someone who does, but that's another story.

What do you think makes the people who act in this way do so? As odd as it sounds, they might believe that they are doing the right thing here, although I think some of it's to make themselves seem more important.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:26 am
by Clovvach
Some people think that they are just trying to get money from suing people who get so angry at them they "violate their first amendment rights,"

Maybe the parents were indoctrinated when they were little, and now they're just passing it on, and maybe they think they are so right that they just don't want to listen to the people who oppose them... cause have you seen these guys "debate"? It's more like a lecture than a debate, they don't bother to even listen to the opposing side without interrupting or constantly or just saying "your wrong," with no valid reason. ( ) I just wish they would listen to some common sense, but more than that, I wish they would keep their hate away from their kids.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:14 am
by Beany
I watched the first minute of the video (well 1:09). That's awful. This poor kid has been taught that he is doing the right thing, but saying that all Americans will go to hell? Saying that people who are homosexual, who have had abortions, are divorced, etc. should go to hell too? I'm not sad about this. I'm sad, angry, and shocked that anyone could force their kids to believe this, although I suppose they might believe in it strongly enough too, and want their kids to make sure that they go to heaven. About thirty years ago, being homosexual or having a divorce were thought upon really badly (I don't know about abortion), but telling them that, despite all their beliefs, they are going to hell (even if it didn't agree with their religious beliefs, God is all-forgiving, no?), the victim is going to feel a lot worse about it.

EDIT: I just got to the bit about the dead soldiers, where I really did start crying. People have given their lives to save them, and they are ungrateful for it. A family's world's been torn apart by the loss of a loved one, and then they turn up to the funeral rejoicing? I'm shocked.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:08 pm
by Wesley
People of all ages can see that hate is never a good thing. This kid made an anti-protest sign and stood toe-to-toe with the Westboro Baptist A-holes. Nice. ... c=fb&cc=fp

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:31 pm
by chex
I want to shake that kid's hand.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:34 pm
by Mouse
I wanna pinch his cheeks... they look pinchable.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:47 pm
by Clovvach
I love this guy and his sign. "God hates no one" :)

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:48 pm
by Beany
That kid is amazing. So many people have problems with the way that WBC people act, but this kid stood up and showed his own view, just as they were doing. I believe his view though.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:42 pm
by Wesley
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Zombies prevent the Westboro Baptist Church from protesting! :D ... 17142.html

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:21 pm
by Mouse
:like: Zombies FTW!!

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:15 pm
by LaLou
News like this restores my faith in humanity.

Re: WBC idots

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:40 am
by Amlak
Honestly, they don't really concern me much. It's the fundamentalists that many people actually take seriously that bother me.