The Air Bender

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The Air Bender

Post by UnknownSoldier »

Ok So I come to work this morning and I see Dowsters new Avatar. Which brings me to this section. When I took my child to see Ice Age 3 they showed preview for an Avatar the Last Air Bender movie. However, this movie is not going to be an animation, its going to be a live action, Similar to that crappy Dragon Ball movie they made. To any who have seen the actual cartoon the movie has alot to live up to. I dont believe it is coming out until next year but I look forward to watching it when it does come out.
MisTer Pockets
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Re: The Air Bender

Post by MisTer Pockets »

The teaser trailer showed very little and had mediocre CGI....which made me sad.

The Avatar cartoon was one of the few recent cartoons I am proud to announce that I watched, and I really do hope M Night Shyamalan doesn't (beep) it up, like he has with every movie since the Sixth Sense. This movie has tons of potential, and I can not wait for it to hit theaters.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it is in fact going to be a trilogy. The cartoon series was 3 seasons long, each following the main character, Aang, in his quest to master all of the elements (water, then earth, then fire.) although the movies apparently are not following the show.
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