Chapter 87 --> Fat Face

Game Destroyer
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Chapter 87 --> Fat Face

Post by Clarence »

~~Flashback to Chapter 19 --> Maverick (Where Dave first turns into his alter ego Maverick)

***Dave goes in the alleyway to meet up with some guy who looks like a professor of something, and some other guys all in white clothing.

>>Professor --> How would you like to make some money?

>>Dave --> How much money?

>>Professor --> How does 500 bucks sound?

>>Dave --> Awesome! What do I got to do?

>>Professor --> We're trying to test a new military drug... we'll just inject you with something, and you can let us know if there's any side-effects/

So Dave becomes Maverick and gets super powerful and kills a bunch of cops and stuff... then...

>>The Professor --> I don't have time to explain, here take this (Hands Steroids Man the antidote syringe)

>>Steroids Man --> What's this?

>>The Professor --> This will stop that guy in the army clothes (Dave/Maverick). Just inject him with it.

***Suddenly Dave emerges and punches The Professor in the stomach, causing his hand to go through his body, a bloody fist sticks out The Professor's back, Dave pulls it back and the Professor falls to the ground.


**The Professor is still wounded and bleeding on the street,

>>Professor --> Well his muscles went away... it must have worn off.... but anyway... I think I'm dying.

>>Dave --> That sucks man... I don't even know your name....

>>Professor --> I don't have a name... I'm just a professor.

>>Dave --> Well thanks for the 500 bucks...

***The professor dies, and his colleague starts crying.

>>Steroids Man --> Really? "Thanks for the 500 bucks"? That's the last thing you could say to him before he dies?

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's some more stuff that happened that you didn't see!

The Professor's colleague is next to the dead professor crying while the city burns and more cops rush to the scene.

The chief of police Rodney Pomblechook comes up to the dead professor and his colleague with police officer Bill.

Chief Rodney Pomblechook: What happened here?

Colleague: My professor and friend of many years is dead....

Chief Rodney Pomblechook: I bet Steroids Man did this! That bastard!

Colleague: No actually it was Maverick, a super soldier that we create....

Chief Rodney Pomblechook: I'm going to go ahead and say Steroids Man did this.

Officer Bill: He just said...

Chief Rodney Pomblechook: And I'm saying Steroids Man did this, and killed all the cops.

Officer Bill: Ummmmm

Chief Rodney Pomblechook: Do you want that promotion or not? I want the public to hate Steroids Man because I hate him a lot, what an balloon knot!

Officer Bill: Wow....


The police show up to the Professor's son's house who is in his twenties.

Chief Rodney Pomblechook: I'm sorry... your Father, the professor is dead.

Professor's son: WHAT?!?!?!?! HOW..... WHAT???

Chief Rodney Pomblechook: Murdered... by Steroids Man. (lies)

Professor's son: Steroids Man? He'll pay.... he'll pay a lot..... when I KILL HIM!

Chief Rodney Pomblechook: Alright, have a good night


Somewhere in the ocean there is a large ship and a helicopter flies and lands on it, Steroids Man gets out.

(A while back, Phil designed a special helicopter that even a child could fly specifically for Steroids Man.....)

Steroids Man goes around the ship and finally finds the man The Manager sent Steroids Man to go looking for.

Steroids Man: Hey you, give me the plutonium!

There is an extremely fat man sitting down on a couch, his bottom takes up most of the couch. He is wearing a cape and a metal mask and all black and eating an entire meat pie by himself, family sized.

Metal Face: Steroids Man!??!! How the smurf did you even find me?!?!?!

Steroids Man: Am I suppose to know you.........

Metal Face: It's me.... METAL FACE!!!! I just gained some weight.....

Steroids Man: Nope, doesn't ring a bell... I'm pretty sure I've never met you in my life.

Metal Face stands up abruptly.

Metal Face: I'll smurf KILL YOU!!!!! ..... oh no .... sat up too fast very dizzy....

Metal Face comes crashing down on the couch which buckles and collapses.

Steroids Man: Ok, now listen here you mysterious stranger, give me the Plutonium!!!

Metal Face: Damn it you horrible balloon knot, I'm METAL FACE!!!! Look at all the pictures of us together!

Metal Face reveals a bunch of pictures in his trench-coat filled with him and Steroids Man together.

Steroids Man: That's gotta be photo-shopped or something...

Suddenly a blast shakes the ship.

Steroids Man: What the hell?

Metal Face: Oh shazam!!

They look over to see a huge war ship of some kind firing at them. We zoom in to see a man in a wooden mask along with a giant white monkey or gorilla of some kind and some woman with long wild red hair and a whip dressed in tight brown clothing next to a tiger... also some scientist looking guy in a lab coat with wild gray hair. They fire some more at Metal Face's ship.

Metal Face and Steroids Man are rocked and trying to keep balance.

Steroids Man: What is this?

Metal Face: My Dad is trying to kill me again..... damn it.... oh man this kills me so bad but I have no choice.

Steroids Man: No choice for what? Can I have my plutonium now?

Metal Face: I ...... *choke* oh man.... this is HORRIBLE but..... I ..... ...... *groan*....

Steroids Man: WHAT?!??!!

Metal Face: I need your help....... damn it to hell!

Steroids Man: If I help you will you just give me the damn plutonium already?

The war ship attacking Metal Face draws closer.

Metal Face: Yes.... just help me fight these people..... ARG....

Metal Face takes out a mysterious syringe filled with black fluid.

Metal Face: Here, use this syringe.... it's like some kind of new super steroid ... or something.

Steroids Man: OK!

Steroids Man injects himself with the syringe.

Steroids Man: Oh my.... I'm so dizzy......

Steroids Man falls to the floor and passes out.

Metal Face: SUCKER!!!! That was a super TRANQUILIZER just for you, smurf I HATE YOU!!!!!

More blasts hit Metal Face's ship and explosions and sparks and fires go out everywhere, one of the blasts destroys Steroids Man's helicopter thing meaning he can't fly home. Metal Face looks at all the destruction and realizes he's in trouble.

Metal Face (To Steroids Man's lifeless body): DAMN IT STEROIDS MAN, WAKE UP, I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!

(((Metal Face is SO VERY VERY torn between wanting to kill Steroids Man but also needing his help out of this situation)))

Wooden Face: Orangutan, go capture my bastard son and bring him here!

Orangutan: GROWL!!!!!

The ships are right next to each other now and the enormous white towering orangutan jumps from one ship to another and gets ready to grab Metal Face when he sees Steroids Man on the floor. Orangutan beats up Metal Face and knocks him out. Orangutan is super strong and picks up Metal Face's fat bottom and jumps over to Wooden Face and the woman and the scientist.

Wooden Face: Finally... I finally got you.... WOW you got FAT!

The orangutan beats his chest.

Wooden Face: What is it? Someone else is on that ship?

Orangutan jumps to the other ship and retrieves Steroids Man and drops him next to Wooden Face.

Wooden Face: Steroids Man? This is PERFECT!!!

Scientist Guy: Steroids Man? Can it be?

Steroids Man wakes up and stumbles around, his steroid powers made the tranquilizer wear off.

Steroids Man (Groggy): What... what's going on?

Wooden Face: Beach Tamer, take him down!

Beach Tamer (The woman with long wild red hair): Sure thing baby!

Steroids Man: I'm not fighting a woman!

Beach Tamer uses her whip and cracks it and it wraps around Steroids Man's neck, choking him and he falls to his knees.

Steroids Man (Gasping for air): *cough*..... hey.... no fair...

Suddenly Beach Tamer sends an electric shock through the whip and zaps Steroids Man and he falls to his bottom knocked out and smoke comes off him.

Wooden Face: Good job, now, Orangutan chain Metal Face and Steroids Man to the chairs.

The Scientist comes over with a huge futuristic shotgun of some kind and aims it at Steroids Man's lifeless body.

Wooden Face: What are you doing?

Scientist: Steroids Man must die!

Wooden Face: Oh we'll kill him, but we need to kill him in front of Metal Face, I want my son to witness the fact that I killed Steroids Man when he never could!

Scientist: He needs to die NOW!!!

Wooden Face: Just wait.

Orangutan comes over like he's about to beat up the scientist and Wooden Face puts his arm in front to stop him while he screams and growls.

Scientist: He better die fast!


Metal Face and Steroids Man are chained to metal chairs facing each other.

Wooden Face: Wake him!

The scientist goes over and injects Metal Face with something and he wakes up and is disorientated and confused....

Metal Face: What the.... oh no.... I'm tied up next to Steroids Man ....again!

Wooden Face: This happened to you before?

Metal Face: Let me go Dad!

Wooden Face: NO! Not after what you did to your mother, my wife.... Linoleum Face!!!!

Metal Face: Are you still mad at me because I sold my Mom to pirates? I told you already, I needed to sell her to some random pirates in exchange for a parkour man to see if Steroids Man was still alive.

Wooden Face smacks Metal Face in the metal face.

Wooden Face: Ouch! My hand! Damn your metal mask! ..... Orangutan!

Orangutan comes over and punches Metal Face in the metal face full force and it hurts like a jabberwocky and leaves a bit of a dent.

Metal Face: MOTHER smurf!!!!

Wooden Face: Your mother is dead!

Metal Face: .....what?

Wooden Face: She got into a sword fight with the pirates. She didn't win...

Metal Face: No.... not Mommy......

Wooden Face: You must pay for what you have done!

Steroids Man starts to wake up a bit but is extremely groggy.

Metal Face: I didn't know Dad, I'm so sorry....

Wooden Face: Sorry won't cut it, you must be punished! What happened to the rest of your crew?

Metal Face: You mean Burdock Man and all those people?

Wooden Face: Yes, I know you had your little League of Evil, what happened to them?

Metal Face: Ummmm.... welll... I sort of killed them all....

Wooden Face: What?

Metal Face: I been out to sea for far too long and got ocean madness and killed them all violently and ate them for dinner....

Scientist: What the smurf is this? Let's just kill Steroids Man already!

Wooden Face: Wait damn it!

Metal Face: Looks like you got your own little group together.

Wooden Face: Yes I do, I would like you to meet....

Orangutan: a super powerful scientifically enhanced white Orangutan who is super smart (For an Orangutan) and also super powerful, he can beat the crap out of Steroids Man no problem!

Beach Tamer: A wild sexy woman who knows how to use a whip and is super athletic and also owns a tiger.


William McBay: A scientist who has helped me a lot in my plans for world domination, and he really hates Steroids Man!

Metal Face: wow.... I don't care.

Wooden Face: You better care, for I have the greatest formidable team of bad-guys ever! Nothing can stop us!

Metal Face: Yeah, but do you have a cool name like "The League of Evil" which I legally own the rights too?

Wooden Face: I have a far more intimidating sounding name for my group!

Metal Face: What is it?

They all stand next to each other as Wooden Face talks.

Wooden Face: Together we are ....... the Chaotic Unstoppable Nightmare Team!

Metal Face: Ummm..... hmmmmm.... really?

Wooden Face: Yes, that's an awesome name!

Metal Face: Did you... make any Tee-shirts for it?

Wooden Face: Actually, Plastic Face is making one now.

(Plastic Face is Wooden Face's other son, and Metal Face's Brother.)

Plastic Face: Here is the shirt, Dad!

Plastic Face holds up a shirt that reads C.U.N.T.

Wooden Face: Oh damn it all!

Metal Face laughs his bottom off and Steroids Man is fully awake now.

Steroids Man: What's going on....... ? (steroids man sees the shirt that reads C.U.N.T) Why am I on this ship with the weirdest people on earth chained next to a fat guy who is also chained with people wearing strange masks and some guy holding up a tee-shirt that has swear words on it?!?!

William (The scientist guy): YOU NEED TO DIE!!!!

William comes up to Steroids Man with his futuristic double barreled shot gun and aims it right at Steroids Man's face when a mystic wind comes out of nowhere and knocks the gun out of his hand and into the water. William goes to the side of the ship and looks at the water baffled.

William: What the hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Suddenly everything starts moving slower and then comes to a complete stop, to Steroids Man it appears like time itself has stopped.

Steroids Man: Am I on drugs or what... where the hell am I and what's going on?

Suddenly The Manager appears in front of him.

The Manager: Dan you... you smurf up AGAIN!!!! Why are you the worst human ever?

Steroids Man: Give me a chance, I can still get the plutonium!

The Manager: No you can't, Metal Face's ship has already sank, look!

Steroids Man looks over to see Metal's ship has sank and Steroids Man lost the plutonium and the helicopter.

Steroids Man: Shitty.

The Manager: I'm very weak now....

(The Manager has weakened himself significantly fighting the demon hunters but doesn't want to admit that to Steroids Man)

The Manager: ... I should be able to get you out of this but damn it, be more careful!

Suddenly The Manager zaps Steroids Man's bonds and fades away as time starts up again.

Wooden Face: What the....

Steroids Man stands up and William runs away and Wooden Face and Plastic Face cower while Orangutan and Beach Tamer approach Steroids Man.

Orangutan punches the crap out of Steroids Man and he falls to his knees while Beach Tamer whips him with her electric whip.

Steroids Man: smurf!!!!!

Wooden Face (To Plastic Face): Get my good gun.

Plastic Face: Ok.

Wooden Face grabs Plastic face by the shoulder as he prepares to leave.

Wooden Face: And some smokes.


William: Damn you Steroids Man... you're in my grasp... I can't let you live.... need to avenge my Father....... *sob* Daddy....


Steroids Man is getting his bottom kicked when he manages to flip Orangutan into the water and push Beach Tamer into her tiger.

Metal Face: Steroids Man...

Steroids Man: What? I'm busy fighting a woman and a monkey!

Metal Face: Free me and I can help you *choke* you Shay.

Steroids Man: Fine.

Steroids Man frees Metal Face and he stands up.

Metal Face: Thanks.

Steroids Man: No problem buddy.

Metal Face: Damn it, stop talking! Your voice pisses me off and your face makes me want to vomit!

Metal Face draws a gun and shoots Steroids Man in the face blowing a hole through his cheek.

Steroids Man: WHAT THE smurf MAN!!


Beach Tamer whips Metal Face in the face and shocks his metal mask and he falls to his knees. She then whips Steroids Man and shocks him and he pulls the whip away and kicks her and she flies to the other side of the ship.

Orangutan jumps out of the water and gets Steroids Man in a headlock and they fight and roll away from Metal Face.

Metal Face comes too and gets up holding his head in pain when he hears a clicking noise. Wooden Face has a gun aimed at Metal Face while standing next to Plastic Face.

Wooden Face: We're never playing catch again son!


Steroids Man is getting his bottom kicked by Orangutan who keeps jumping on him and evading his punches.

Steroids Man: Damn it, I'm tired!

William: Take this!

William has a futuristic cannon of some kind and shoots it at Steroids Man who manages to duck just in time. The blast hits the other side of the ship and startles Wooden Face which allows Metal Face to take his gun.

Wooden Face: Damn it!


Steroids Man is getting punched and punched and punched some more and gets knocked into the water while Orangutan stands over the edge of the ship and beats his chest and screams. Beach Tamer gets up and retrieves her whip.

William: Make sure he's dead!

Steroids Man floats in the water.

Steroids Man: I guess now would be a good time to try those enhanced steroids that Phil gave me.

Steroids Man injects himself and instantly bulks up huger then ever.

Steroids Man: ROAR!!!!

William: What the....

Steroids Man jumps out of the water and lands in the ship with a crash causing a huge vibration and everyone loses their balance.

Steroids Man: I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!!!


Metal Face shoots Wooden Face in the mask and he falls to the floor.

Plastic Face: DADDY!!

Metal Face shoots Plastic Face in the shoulder and he falls but gets back up.

Plastic Face: Stop this! We're a family! Please..... I used up my last vacation day from work to be here and don't want my time off to end like this!

Metal Face shoots the crap out of Plastic Face until he runs out of bullets. Plastic Face is bleeding all over and falls back into a wall and slides down leaving a blood trail.


Steroids Man punches Orangutan through a wall and then beats his chest while screaming. Beach Tamer whips Steroids Man but he catches the whip and gets electrocuted and acts like nothing is wrong, he then pulls the whip and sends Beach tamer flying across the ship and she crashes hard to the ground.

The tiger attacks Steroids Man but he power bombs it and then pins it for the count when William has a bazooka of some kind aimed at him.

William: Goodbye Steroids Man.

Steroids Man leaps with super human force and the blast goes past him and blows the ship apart, there's explosions everywhere and the ship begins to burn with fires.

Steroids Man comes right up to William who cowers when Orangutan jumps on his back. Steroids Man is now much more enormous than Orangutan because of the enhanced Steroids... Steroids Man is crazy like the hulk now.... those steroids were never really tested.

Wooden Face gets up and feels his face... the bullet is sticking out of his wooden mask.

Wooden Face: What have you done.... you ruined my mask, that was OAK damn it!

Wooden Face looks over to see Plastic Face's lifeless body.

Wooden Face: No.... first my wife... then my GOOD son? YOU RUINED OUR FAMILY!

Wooden goes to fight Metal Face and throws punches but all is absorbed by Metal Face's fat.

William looks at the destruction of the ship then realizes something.

William: We have to get out of here, the ship is sinking!

William hits Metal face with a large piece of metal and he falls to his knees. Wooden Face keeps kicking Metal Face while he's down.

William: We have to get out of here!

Wooden Face: Let me kill my son!

William: There's no time, we have to get off this ship!

Wooden Face: Fine, gather the others, I'm going to activate the self destruct and kill Steroids Man and my fat son once and for all!

Steroids Man knocks down Orangutan again and he's a bloody and beaten mess. Steroids Man is now breathing heavy and the super Steroids left him very spent.

William goes to Beach Tamer and wakes her up.

William: We have to get out of here!

Beach Tamer: My tiger!

William and Beach Tamer look over to see Steroids Man on his knees eating the dead tiger's belly like a wild animal.

William: It's over, we have to go!

Wooden Face activates the self destruct and meets with William, Beach Tamer and Orangutan on the other side of the ship.

Wooden Face: let's go!

They all get on the only escape speedboat and jet off.

Metal Face and Steroids Man are left on the burning and sinking ship both very tired and beat up.

Metal Face looks at a clock counting down from 20 seconds.

Metal Face: Oh shazam!....

Metal Face looks at a very tired and bulky Steroids Man who's still on his knees and sweating and panting heavily.

Metal Face: Well at least I'll get to see you die with me!

Suddenly an evil looking red force field surrounds Steroids Man and carries him off the ship.

Metal Face: No.... how can this be.... you NEED TO DIE!!!!!

Steroids Man continues to float away from the ship and when he's far enough away the ship explodes in dramatic fashion.

On the speedboat.... (They couldn't see Steroids Man's escape)

Wooden Face: My son is dead... it's all over.... now we can focus on taking over the world!

William: And my Father can now rest in piece.

Steroids Man floats and suddenly the red force field pops like a bubble and Steroids Man lands on an island.

The Manager: So weak.................... need to rest for a while....

Steroids Man comes too on the island very worn out from that Steroids high and picks up his cell phone and makes a call.

Steroids Man: I'm going to be late getting home babe, better not make supper for me.

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Joined: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:10 am
Location: Harrisburg, PA

Re: Chapter 87 --> Fat Face

Post by Wesley »

Is this really the end of Steroids Man's most feared and forgotten enemy?

Stay tuned to find out!

I think the metal mask may have saved him a little.
"Work hard, be humble and stay positive."

~ Donnie Yen ~